Warehouse Management System

keep an eagle eye on your warehouse operation

            Warehouse Management System

Warehouse operations made easy to manage

Real-Time Inventory Updates

Low-Stock & Out-of-Stock Alerts

Reorder Points for Auto-Replenishment

Automated PO creation

Quick Stock Adjustment

Stock Count for Physical Inventory

Multi-Batch & Location

Import and Export Product Information

Barcode Tagging & Scanning Support

Serial, Batch & Expiry Management

Shelf / Aisle / Bin / Zone Allocation

Rule-Based Put Away


Stock Transfer between Warehouses

Assign Desired Warehouses to Purchase Orders

Sync Warehouse Transactions with Accounting

Quick Send / Receive by Scanning

Configure Multi-Warehouse Stock Policies

Primary warehouse processes

Optimize these fundamental processes to streamline your warehouse operation, reduce cost, and achieve a higher perfect order rate.


1. Recieve & Put Away
Move cargo Storage to Prevent loss

2. Pick & Pack
Allocate order items to be consolidated for shipping

3.Ship & Delivery
Load all shippings and dispatch out to outlets

How can your warehouse management be more seamless?

We will show you how you can generate customized labels, shipping notes, and all your routine manual tasks while syncing all your shipping data and orders in real-time.

What can you achieve with Cloud8WMS?

Warehouse Control

Orchestrate the flow of your warehouse while being fully in control.

Inventory Visibility

Track current inventory and map it with incoming orders without delay.

Efficient Shipping

Picking and packing is efficient when there is a good system for preparing for shipping.

Demand Forecast

Prevent backorders and oversupplies through accurate demand forecasts.

Productive Labour

Delegate employees well based on skill levels and task availability respectively.

Maximize Space

Implement the correct use of floor space based on products, tasks, and equipment.

Ready to get started?

Talk to us and learn how we can help. Questions? Call us at +233554694278 or
email cloud8pos@gmail.com

Efficient Picking & Packing

Generate & Print Shipping Labels

Generate Packing Slips

Automated Stock-Picking Rules

Group Picking

Barcode Scanning for Inventory Outward

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